Uncharted 2

What can I say about the graphics in this game? They are just amazing. Naughty Dog really put a lot of detail when it came to the graphics of the game. The range is really impressive and many moments in the game will take away your breath. The world just looks amazing, there are little details everywhere and not a single spot in the game looks bland. The effects are also really good. A gun's muzzle flash, a grenade explosion or a fire are all rounded up with a distortion effect around it. That is just one little example of the game's graphics. The game also has a high focus on depth of field. Characters during cut-scenes are always sharp while the background is blurred, that also occurs when aiming down your sight, the spot you aim at will be sharp while stuff closer or further than that spot will be blurred. The water and snow are also one of the very detailed things in the game, Drake's clothes will get wet if he goes into a puddle or a river and the snow will have little dents if Drakes . The character animations were also really perfected to the finest little details, example: Drake will cover his face from every singe heat source in the game. The physics engine is also very good and a lot of little objects can be destroyed of moved by physics adding a little extra detail to the game. Currently there is no better looking PS3 game than Uncharted 2.

The game also has a very good Multiplayer mode. I haven't played a lot of Multiplayer but I can really say it can become very addicting. The game includes many modes including 2 Co-operative modes and many competitive modes. The multiplayer features all of the game's great aspect and nothing has been toned down. The Competitive multiplayer has a maximum of 3 players and it includes 4 different gamemodes so anyone can find something they like. The Co-operative multiplayer has 2 modes: Objective and Survival. Objective puts 3 characters from the story and they must complete certain objectives to progress further, this Co-op mode's maps are from scenarios from the singleplayer campaign and makes a great experience. The Survival gamemode puts you and your friends against incoming waves of Enemies, the only goal in this gamemode is to survive and score as many points as you can. The multiplayer also has a leveling system that allows players to purchase new skins and 2 slots for Boosters which are basically like Perks. It also includes a Cinema mode in which you can view games you have played.


The gameplay can simply be divided into 3 parts: Acrobatics, Fighting and Stealth. The acrobatics and climbing sequences are really well done, and Naughty Dog made the climbable spots look so great that they just merge with the rest of the environment, making it look like Drake can climb onto anything. The gunfights are also huge part of the game, the Gears of War styled Cover-System is really great and it's the only thing keeping you alive when you're in a gunfight on higher difficulties. Enemy AI is pretty smart and they will also use the cover system, except the few annoying Heavily armored ones who will just slowly walk at you with their shotgun. You should not worry as most of the time you will be accompanied by an ally character who will help you. The environment also plays a big role in gunfights, things such as exploding barrels and logs can be used to kill enemies more efficiently. You can also go into Close Combat if your enemies are close for some easy kills, but beware, other enemies will not be stopped from shooting you while you are fighting. And the third thing that makes the gameplay is the Stealth. Stealth is very useful for defeating a large group of enemies without wasting a lot of ammo. But it is generally the hardest thing to successfully accomplish in the game. One mistake can turn your sneaking and stealth killing into a big gunfight. Stealth kills are usually done with the Game's Close Combat stealth moves, which require you to sneak up behind and enemy. But the Stealth aspect is also one of the most satisfying things in the game. The game also has a few major puzzles, but they are not very hard, but really satisfying. The difficulties are well balances out, providing an awesome experience for casual and hardcore gamers. Overall very fun and exciting gameplay.


The story of the game is really it's best aspect. It is really a story of Movie-like qualities. It is so intense that you will not be able to put your controller down just because you want to see what happens next. It has many twists and unexpected turns and you will always be amazed. The way characters interact with each other is incredible. The voice acting is brilliant and it helps to capture the very essence of the characters. The game just feels like a non-stop action movie. 

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