Diablo 3

Diablo 3

Blizzard has announced to release Diablo 3 next year. Diablo3 is another themed action role playing game which is sequel to the original game Diablo released in 1997. The game is set in the world of sanctuary, a world of dark fantasy which was saved years ago by the unnamed heroes in Diablo 2. The players from the Diablo 2 returns to Sanctuary to confront evil in its many forms. Diablo 3 is the best example of real playing game. Like its predecessor, the player takes the control of a heroic battle to get rid of the world of Diablo the lord of terror engaging in combat with hordes of monsters and challenging bosses. Game has an epic storyline where player gets to journey through different levels ultimately confronting the Diablo.
You can choose character classes and manage variety of spells and equipments. Players will also have the opportunity to explore familiar setting such as Tristram. Players will also encounter several new characters as well as a number of characters from the previous games including Deckard Cain. Like Diablo 2 multiplayers can play the game using Blizzard’s Battle.net service with exciting newly added features. Until now four of the five classes have been unveiled: the Barbarian, the Witch Doctor, the Wizard and the Monk.
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New feature that have been unveiled includes: picking up the gold rather than just touching it, unique health orbs that drop from the enemy, several changes to the quick bar buttons and function keys, Skill Runes; another new skill modifying feature , numerous new spells, pick the desired gender. Diablo 3 is powered by custom 3D game engine; giving a view similar to isometric view used in previous games. Built in a unique 3D environment with exclusive death animations. Diablo 3 engine would be incorporated with Havok physics and features; destructible environment with an in-game damage effects.

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